Sep 19, 2010

*Scape Confessions - Summary

On 17th September, Cockpit was given the chance to have intimate interaction with both old friends and new at *Scape Lab, as part of their “Confessions” series of gigs. These shows, organized by the non-profit organization, aim to spark interest in the local music scene by providing an additional platform for the Singapore band circuit to rock out. And rock out we did, a-la usual Cockpit fashion. We thoroughly enjoyed all the bands that played before us too, especially the Misfit Ramones, although I was too busy laughing at the title of their hit single “Your Breasts are Big (I’m Gonna Sue You)” to pay enough attention to the song itself. More information on *Scape can be found on As the band just found out that day, they have a pretty kick-ass retail/F&B wing called Social Retail Colony too. The next Cockpit gig in the agenda will be one at Home Club in celebration of its fourth anniversary of Beat!, one of their resident events. More details to be up in due course, but it is understood to be held on October 22, and that we will be playing alongside Plain Sunset on the day.